Maria Francesca personally makes every single Aembrosia piece in her Atelier in Monza, Italy.
The techniques mainly used are two:
Goldwork Embroidery
This technique is used since middle ages to represent royalty, majesty and power of emperors and popes. Nowadays it is still used to adorn coronation robes, royal banners, sacred vestments for the higher ranks of church.
In goldwork embroidery, metal threads and purls gilt in 24 kt gold are applied on a textile surface.
These materials also exist in pure silver, copper or also artificially colored in other tones, for example rosè.
Goldwork embroidery gives the best of himself if worked in sculptural and tridimensional volumes, and it is possibile to create wide range of textures, giving life to a rich visual language.
This precious technique is complex and can be made only by specifically trained embroiderers.
Haute Couture Embroidery
In Haute Couture a wide range of techniques are used to reach the most sophisticate results; among those, the most used is tambour beading (called also Lunéville Crochet embroidery). With this technique, it is possible to create the most elaborate designs with colored and metallic threads, and also apply beads and sequins very precisely.